4.6.0 Core Enhancements

This section provides an overview of the more notable features delivered in this release with their highlights summarized below.

To understand the full scope of these new features and to view the complete list of minor enhancements and bug fixes delivered with this release, review the remainder of the document.

New Update Password API


A new Update Password API is now available for subscribers of the Digital Platform to update their password.

The API can be used by the following user types and site types:

  • Digital User Type: Licensee User, Assured User, Proprietary User
  • Licensee Site: Extranet, ClientSide

On invoking the Update Password API, the system validates the Old Password value provided in the request to ensure that it matches the existing current password. Otherwise an error is returned.

On invoking the Update Password API, the system validates the New Password value provided against the password requirements defined for each Licensee. The appropriate error message(s) display if any validation requirements are not met.