Custom Validation Rules

As users navigate through the claim process, the system regularly checks the content of the submission against a series of defined rules.  These rules can trigger warnings or require changes to the data.

Validations are associated to certain actions and screens in the workflow, such as saving or submitting the claim, and triggers control whether the rule is applied.

The custom validations are in addition to the basic system validations for required fields or invalid data.

Creating a New Custom Validation Rule

  1. In the main menu, select Claims, Configuration, Workflow, then Custom Validation Rules.  A list of all available validation rules is displayed.
  2. Click Add.  The Custom Validation Rule window opens.
  3. Complete the necessary information.  Fields marked with a red asterisk * are required.
  4. Name

    Enter the name of the rule.


    Enter the code of the rule.


    Select the effect of the validation.

    • Error

    If the conditions of this rule are met, an error appears and the user cannot save or proceed with the claim until the cause of the error has been resolved.

    • Warning

    If the conditions of this rule are met, a warning appears, providing information to the user.  No action is required for this validation, and the user can proceed normally.


    Note: Warnings cannot be applied to the Import Bordereau action.


    Enter a Message to be displayed at the top of the screen when the conditions for this rule are met.

    The Validation Criteria panel determines when the validation will apply.  All applicable criteria must pass or the rule will not be applied.


    Select the actions where the rule will be validated.


    Select the screens where the rule should be validated.


    Select a Trigger to set the conditions for the rule.  If the trigger evaluates as true, the rule is applied.


    Warning: Use caution when applying triggers that stop the user from proceeding. If the trigger always evaluates as true, it becomes impossible to complete the claim process.

    Effective Date

    The date fields for the Effective Date can be used together or separately to control when the rule is applied.  If the Date of Loss is before the beginning date of the rule or after the end date of the rule, the rule is not applied.  The dates can be entered manually or selected from the date picker .

  5. Click Save to save the rule or click Close to return to the Custom Validations Rules list without saving.
  6. The Status panel is added to the page once the rule has been saved.


    Marks the rule as active and available for use.  If unchecked, the rule will no longer be applied for new claims.

    Created By

    Identifies the date and time the rule was created, and the user who created it.

    Last Modified By

    Identifies the last date and time the rule was changed, and the user who made the changes.

Viewing and Modifying a Custom Validation Rule

  1. In the main menu, select Claims, Configuration, Workflow, then Custom Validation Rules.  A list of all available validation rules is displayed.
  2. Click a link in the Name column to view the rule details.  If there are a large number of available rules, see the Using Grids section for help on finding the appropriate rule.
  3. See the section on Creating a New Custom Validation Rule for a detailed description of the fields.
  4. Click Save to save the rule or click Close to return to the Custom Validations Rules list without saving.

Deleting a Custom Validation Rule

  1. In the main menu, select Claims, Configuration, Workflow, then Custom Validation Rules.  A list of all available validation rules is displayed.
  2. Click a link in the Name column to view the rule details.  If there are a large number of available rules, see the Using Grids section for help on finding the appropriate rule.
  3. Click Delete, then confirm the deletion when prompted.  The rule is deleted and the Custom Validation Rules list opens.