Common Pages

Throughout the system, there are detail pages that can be accessed from multiple areas.  These are detailed here.

Invoice Detail Window

The invoice detail window is commonly used to display details about an invoice, and will generally be accessible from reports and features that list invoices.  The title of the window and the available fields may be different, depending on where the window opens.

The Invoice Information panel lists the details of the invoice.

The Commissions panel identifies any commissions related to the invoice.

The Invoice Line Items grid lists all distinct charges included in the invoice.

The Receipt History grid lists all receipts associated to the selected invoice.  Click a link in the Receipt Number column to view the Receipt details window.

If any documents are attached to the invoice, the Documents grid will be displayed containing all available documents.  Click a link in the File Name column to view the document in PDF format.

Click Generate Documents to generate new copies of all documents for the current invoice.  This will produce the documents configured for invoice generation.

Click Close to close the window.