
E-mail Syntax

When an email is generated, system and submission information can be pulled into the subject and body of the email.  This section details the syntax to be used when preparing the email template.

Workflow and System Placeholders

The main objective of sending dynamically generated emails is to provide information.  To achieve this, the email template is created using placeholders.  When the system prepares the email, it replaces the placeholders with the required information.

To pull in information from the custom fields in your workflow, the placeholder is the System Reference name of the field enclosed in double square brackets [[ ]].

For example, a field named “Business Region” may have a system reference name of “BusinessRegion”, so the contents of the field would be pulled in with the placeholder [[BusinessRegion]].


The System Reference name does not change if the field name is changed, and may include numbering if duplicate fields exist.  For these reasons, you should verify the System Reference name of each field when adding placeholders.

If a field is part of a grid, the placeholders must be included in a table format, described here.

In addition to the workflow information, you can also include system information related to the submission, or the date and time from the server.  For a complete list of system variables that can be used in documents, e-mails, and calculated fields, see the Full Placeholder Lists sections.

Tables in Policy E-mails

A table can be added to the policy e-mail template to pull in all entries from a grid, displaying all chosen fields for the first entry, then the second entry, and so on.

The table must be contained within the [[TABLESTART]] and [[TABLEEND]] markers (they are case sensitive).  It displays all text between the markers, replacing any placeholders with the appropriate values for that entry, then repeats the line for the next entry in the table.

When adding placeholders for fields within a grid, the System Reference for the grid must be identified along with the System Reference for the field as follows:


Example: A grid with system reference RegionalPercentages has three fields. The system references for the first two fields are RegionName and Percentage. The third field is not included in the table. The table entry in the email template would appear as follows (markers and placeholders are marked in bold):

[[TABLESTART]]The percentage for region [[RegionalPercentages_RegionName]] is [[RegionalPercentages_Percentage]]%.[[TABLEEND]]

When the email is generated, the table appear as follows (data pulled from the grid is marked in bold):

The percentage for region North America is 40%.

The percentage for region South America is 48%.

The percentage for region Europe is 54%.

Since the third field in the table is not included in the table setup, it is ignored when the table is generated.

Tables in Claims E-mails

A table can be added to the claims e-mail template to pull in all entries from a grid, displaying all chosen fields for the first entry, then the second entry, and so on.

The table must be contained within markers that identify the beginning and end of the table, and identify the source table for the data.


Content and field placeholders


Where TableCode is the code for the table.  For dynamic grids within the workflow, this would be the Code from the Panel Management page.  For system tables, the code is provided in the description for the field placeholders.

When the e-mail is generated, the system inserts all text between the markers, replacing any placeholders with the appropriate values for that entry.  It then repeats the line for the next entry in the table.

Example: A grid with the code RegionalPercentages has three fields. The placeholders for the first two fields are [[RegionName]] and [[Percentage]]. The third field is not required in the e-mail. The table entry in the email template would appear as follows (markers and placeholders are marked in bold):

[[TableStart:RegionalPercentages]]The percentage for region [[RegionName]] is [[Percentage]]%.[[TableEnd:RegionalPercentages]]

When the email is generated, the table appear as follows (data pulled from the grid is marked in bold):

The percentage for region North America is 40%.

The percentage for region South America is 48%.

The percentage for region Europe is 54%.

Since the third field in the table is not included in the table setup, it is ignored when the table is generated.


Triggers can be used to define sections of the email that are only included if certain conditions are met.

The trigger markers [[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_START]] and [[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_END]] are used to mark the beginning and end of the conditional text.  After the start marker, the trigger is identified with a standard placeholder containing the name of the trigger, such as [[My Trigger]].

Between the trigger placeholder and the end marker, place all of the text that depends on the trigger.

Example: To add a section to the email that lists special instructions based on two triggers, the following lines could be added (markers and placeholders are marked in bold):

Special Conditions:

[[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_START]][[Premium Client]]This is a premium client. Escalate all issues for immediate attention.[[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_END]]

[[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_START]][[High-Value Coverage]]This coverage falls under the High-Value regulations.[[OW_DOCUMENTTRIGGER_END]]

If the Premium Client trigger evaluates as true, but the High-Value Coverage trigger evaluates as false, the following is included in the email:

Special Conditions:

This is a premium client. Escalate all issues for immediate attention.

Tip: All spacing and line breaks included within the trigger markers are included or excluded based on the triggers.  Care should be taken to place text properly in order to maintain the layout of the document.